B'Side Quandary Dual Release
The B’Side Series, our longest running collaboration, makes its triumphant return next week. We hatched this project five years ago, when we teamed up with Mr. B’s Wine & Spirits to explore new possibilities in barrel-aging with exotic flavor combinations. For this next iteration, we also brought in our new friends at Bear Creek Distillery, utilizing barrels from their world class wheated bourbon to craft two new quadrupels unlike anything we’ve released before.

On Saturday, October 13th at Noon, we’ll unveil both B’Side Quandary: Cacao and B’Side Quandary: Cherry! Both beers will be available in extremely limited amounts on tap and in bottles to go. If you happen to miss the taproom release, both Mr. B’s locations (LoDo & Stanley Marketplace) will host a tasting and bottle sale starting at 3pm that same day!
To start, we took our indomitable Quandary quadrupel – with all the classic rum-raisin and fig notes you’ve come to love - and aged it in freshly dumped wheated bourbon barrels from Bear Creek. Once the beer inside was tasting awesome, we split the batch in two. To the first half, we added cacao nibs from Ghana - to the other, Lambert and Royal Ann cherries. The result is two wildly different yet complementary brews: the light, slightly tart nuance of the cherry version, contrasted by the rich, deep chocolate notes of the cacao.
(Pro tip: while the beers are offered separately, try blending the two together for chocolate-cherry-bourbon-quad. Yum.)
For the taproom release, bottles of both will go on sale when we open at Noon. Snag up to six bottles of each variant for $12 apiece. As with most of our barrel-aged beers, we encourage aging these bottles for years to come.
For draft, we have one five-gallon keg of both beers. That’s it. One sixtel. When that kicks, it’s gone for good.
Thanks to our friends at Mr. B’s and Bear Creek for helping make this project happen!